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Back to School Prep in the Treasure Valley

Our school has a fun "Woo-hoo/Boo-hoo" party for parents after drop off on the first day of school. Will you be woo-hooing and jumping for joy or boo-hooing and shedding tears that summer is over? I think I'll be doing a little of both this year! Whichever you'll be doing, summer is quickly coming to an end and it's time to get our act together to prep for the school year.

Where will you be doing your "back to school" shopping in the Treasure Valley? I did a quick poll on our Instagram Stories recently and have some great suggestions to share!


Unsurprisingly, Target, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer and Amazon were the top supply spots. Are there any other not-so-obvious spots?

Clothes and Uniforms:

The most popular spots were definitely Old Navy and Target! Other recommendations were H&M, Shein, Gap Factory, Carters, Amazon, and Fred Meyer.

For those looking for uniforms, The Children's Place and Kidz Again were highly recommended along with Old Navy and Target who often have great uniform sales throughout July and August.


The older they get, the harder they are on shoes! And dang they can get expensive! Here are the top recommendations for shoe shopping for the kids:

  • Stores

-Shoe Carnival


-Nike United (formerly Nike Outlet)

-Poshmark and consignment or resale stores like Kid to Kid and Kidz Again

-Famous Footwear




-Sierra Trading Post

-Nordstrom Rack

  • Brands






-Ten Little Shoes

Don't forget your back to school haircut! Boise With Kids highly recommends Sit Still - a modern kids salon in Meridian. We had a great experience there and love the concept. Go check it out!

Everything feels so fresh and clean to kick off the school year and your family's car should match! Get rid of all that playground sand, road trip snacks and drinks smushed in the carpet and finger printed windows with a car detail from The 208 Detailers!

It feels like once school starts the rest of the year just starts flying by! Fall is around the corner and Halloween stuff is popping up in stores which means it's almost Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then all of the sudden, boom - it's New Years! Get ahead of things before it's too late and book a professional photographer to capture your sweet family. Here's a great list of local family photographers to check out!

Alright... what are we missing? How does your family prep for back to school in the Treasure Valley? Tell us your best suggestions in the comments!


Aug 14, 2023

I'm a new kinder mom- I got all of the things on our district websites school supply list that was linked in multiple emails and then got an unexpected new list with differing items on Friday from the teacher. We start Wednesday and are supposed to drop off supplies on Monday! Of course I can't return anything cause I labeled everything and just took them out of packages, plus, I can't find the items she wants in stock anyway. Just my suggestion, but wait for the teachers supply list!


Unknown member
Aug 08, 2022

Your sister in law's idea of letting the kids pick out two food items on the "forbidden" list as a treat to kick off the school year is a fun one. Sugar cereal! Boxed donuts! Candy! What would your boys choose???

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