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Start Here!

Updated: Apr 17, 2022

I'm so excited about this space that I might just burst. 🤩

This has been something stirring in my heart and brain for years now. One of my favorite things in life is connecting people to other people, places, and things. I heard a woman once say that she was a "connection junkie" and I instantly laughed and thought, "that is the perfect way to describe myself!" As an Enneagram 2 there's nothing I love more than helping people and feeling useful.

All of that has led me here and it's wild to me just how fulfilling it has been to create this resource! I'm kiiiiinda obsessed.

As a newbie to Boise but not a new "transplant" (aka someone new to the local area) I've found myself overwhelmed with the desire and need to get connected in our new community. Not only does mama need some new friends but I really need to get us dentist appointments, figure out where to grocery shop, change the plates on our car, figure out where to sign up our boys for soccer... the list goes on and on. Sound familiar?

Whenever we've moved to a new place I have tried really hard to get connected ASAP but it takes a lot of time and energy and can be seriously exhausting. It's hard to find applicable information in the depths of Google. Plus, it sucks being the new kid on the block. Nobody likes to feel dumb or lost and unfortunately that's often a reoccurring phenomena when you're new-ish to town. I want to help fix that with Boise With Kids.

And for those of you who are not new to Boise, I'd bet that the past few years have been full of your fair share of loneliness, disconnect and isolation. Parents and families have been hit so hard. Now, more than ever, we need each other and we need to reconnect with those in our community and to our beloved Boise. I'm so passionate about making Boise With Kids the perfect place for that reconnection and rejuvenation.

Boise With Kids is a one-stop-shop online resource for all things related to life in Boise with kids.

No more endless googling or feeling totally lost and alone. No more feeling disconnected from your community or out of touch with what's going on around town. As the number of blog posts and social media community spaces grow, this website will be a great place to find fun things to do in the Boise area for kids of all ages, learn about special events happening across the Treasure Valley, connect with the resources and services that the whole family needs and hopefully, build up a strong and connected community in the "City of Trees" that we all love so much.

What do you say? Subscribe to the blog, hop over to the Boise With Kids Instagram and Facebook communities and let's take Boise by storm -- together!


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