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All Weather Adventuring Giveaway

Updated: May 10, 2022

One of the best parts about being a local blogger is getting to know some really special local people, places and things. Last week I wrote all about three really fun and inspirational local moms who are really great at getting outside with their families. They've really inspired me to be more adventurous and actually take advantage of all of the natural beauty that surrounds us here in Boise, Idaho.

One of these awesome mamas is Holly (@allweatheradventuring) who, besides being an all around incredible woman, is the creator of some awesome "Adventure Kits" for kids!

When I first found out about her account I jumped over to her Etsy shop and immediately bought a kit for my boys to use on our hikes, when we're camping and really any time we're adventuring outside. They LOVE it and so do I! The size is perfect, the laminated papers are crucial for wet or messy conditions (including being accidentally peed on by a 4 year old... don't ask me how I know that), the kids love the little magnifying glass and being the one to get to wear the lanyard. The metal clip makes it easy to rearrange the papers and add on new ones - like the rad kid-friendly hiking guides she also makes!

You gotta check out her adorable new Spring Adventure Kit - they're the perfect addition to your kiddo's Easter basket and include a lot of fun stuff to get your kids engaged in the outdoors this Spring.

Holly and I decided to do a little giveaway on our Instagram accounts to help families get excited about adventuring outside in the Treasure Valley. If you missed the chance to enter, get your booty over to her Etsy page and order a kit or two for the kiddos in your life. (HOT TIP: If you're local, use the code LOCALPICKUP to arrange a pick up time and save on shipping.)

Where will you take your Adventure Kit next? Tag us on your next adventure and let us know!


Mar 19, 2022

This is the cutest. What a great idea?!


Thank you so much for the feature! I’m so glad you and your boys love the adventure guide kits so much!

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